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Quickstart Guide

The Javelin client is a Python library for interacting with the Javelin API. This guide provides a basic overview of setting up and using the Javelin client.

1. Installation

To install the Javelin client, use pip:

pip install javelin_sdk

2. Setup

Before making any API calls, initialize the client:

Setting up the Python Client

from javelin_sdk import (

import os

javelin_api_key = os.getenv('JAVELIN_API_KEY')
llm_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

client = JavelinClient(javelin_api_key=javelin_api_key,

except NetworkError as e:
print("Failed to create client: Network Error")

3. Making Requests

With the client set up, you can make requests to the Javelin API:

# Create a route object
route_data = {
"name": "test_route_1",
"type": "chat",
"models": [
"name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"enabled": True,
"provider": "openai",
"suffix": "/v1/chat/completions",
"config": {
"archive": True,
"organization": "myusers",
"retries": 3,
"rate_limit": 7,

# serialize
route = Route.parse_obj(route_data)

# create a route
except NetworkError as e:
print("Failed to create route: Network Error")

Fetching Data:

You can get configurations and other settings from Javelin through the SDK:

Fetching configurations from Javelin

except RouteNotFoundError as e:
print("Failed to get route: Route Not Found")

Making an LLM Request:

Once Javelin has been setup, its easy to route your LLM calls through Javelin. Javelin supports both streaming and non-streaming responses to requests to popular LLMs.

Making a request to an LLM through Javelin

# create the object for the LLM request
query_data = {
"messages": [
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": "Hello!"},
"temperature": 0.8,

# query the LLM through the gateway
response = client.query_route("test_route_1", query_data)
except UnauthorizedError as e:
print("Failed to query route: Unauthorized")
except NetworkError as e:
print("Failed to query route: Network Error")
except RouteNotFoundError as e:
print("Failed to query route: Route Not Found")

4. Error Handling

With the python SDK, handling errors is as easy as catching the appropriate exception. There are a number of helpful exceptions that the SDK throws for catching different error scenarios for robust client-side error handling. For example:

Creating a Route with Error Handling


except UnauthorizedError as e:
print("Failed to create route: Unauthorized")

except NetworkError as e:
print("Failed to create route: Network Error")

5. Further Reading